Monday, January 21, 2013

Tutorial Ideas

Greetings Everyone,

      I am assigned to create two ideas for a tutorial: an initial one and a backup. If I was to create a tutorial, I would make sure that it wouldn't be too long; maybe no longer than five minutes, I would make sure that I supply my viewers with all the information they need if they run into any problems. My subject may have one or two videos to go with it, but they all will be at a minimum length and straight to the point.
     Since, I prefer looking at videos, my first idea will be doing tutorials on drawing with drawing pencils; I will use no color. With the help of a second party, I will be recorded drawing various things like body parts, human bodies, animals, plants, etc.

     My video will take place in a spacious area or a studio. I will start my video off by introducing myself and stating what I will be drawing for the video. I will state basic shapes that will be included in the drawing and draw on a large drawing paper. I will state what you should do and not do when drawing and some tips on how to do better drawings.

My backup plan for a tutorial is to teach others how to color with colored pencils in a more professional way, or as artists would like to call them prismacolors. It is not the same as coloring an object with one color and being done with it. It takes a process called layering and will make the object look more real and three-dimentional. If I end up using my second idea, it will only consist of one video instead of two. I will already have an outline of an object ready when the video starts and a row of prisma colors that will be in use. The objects will not be big, but big enough that the viewers would see it clearly. Step by step, I will color the object, stating the name of the color I am using and how they contribute to the drawing.

     I chose my tutorials to be on drawings and coloring because ever since I was young, my peers have always been fascinated on my drawing skills and wanted me to teach them how to draw like myself. I was never the teaching type of person, but I have no problems showing how I worked my magic. My video tutorials will be the most helpful because you will be able to see the process of the picture that is being drawn. My backup idea is good as well, it will take up less time, which is good. However, I believe that some viewers wouldn't be that interested in it. What do you think about my ideas? I'm all for suggestions! Thanks for reading.
Until next time! :-)

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