Monday, January 14, 2013

First Day of Computers for Artist Class!

Hello Everyone,

Today was the first day of my Computers for Artists class. I was kind of excited about it because this class is going to teach me the basics of what I will be using as a graphic designer. The class was scheduled at 5:30pm, but our instructor, Mrs. Dersch arrived at 5:50pm and announced that class will be starting at 5:50pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. I was glad for the slight change. I will have a little time to rest before her class after I get off work.

During class, she made sure we familiarized ourselves with the shortcut keys that would be very useful to making our jobs easier in the Adobe programs. Some examples of of shortcut are:

Control + Click = New Window

Command + C = Copy

Command + V = Paste

Command + X = Cut (takes out and puts it in paste)

Command + Z = Undo

She told us which programs are used for specific jobs. For example: Microsoft Word is for word processing such as essays, resumes, and typed documents. Microsoft Powerpoint is for presentations ONLY and both are not used for design.

Lastly, she listed off the types of files that we would need to familiarize ourselves with when saving our work and it is a way to identify which file is which. Some example of these files are:

.docx = only use Microsoft Word to open

.txt = text document; strips formatting; open with other applications such as Adobe Reader

.rtf = rich text format; formatting opened in any program

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