Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adobe Creative Suites - InDesign 2

Hello Everyone,

Today, We freshened up on some old notes about file types and some new ones and talked about our final project that will be due a the end of the semester. We learned how to save an image file the different types of file to save an image in. At the end of the class period, we learned how to save important files that involve a client's design request.

Some Notes:

Importing from Documents:
.doc, .rtf, .txt

Place an Image File:
.eps, .tif, .jpeg (Lossy File), .png
(For .jpegs, save a COPY!)

File System:
client_lastname of designer_cmyk.indd


Screen Version                    Hard Version
written (typed) tutorial         written tutorial
photo examples                    photos (cmyk, lighter, etc.)
- take photos
- edit in photoshop
diagram (illustrator)             diagram (for communication)
video/sound clip                  InDesign Layout (PRINTED)

Some More shortcut keys:

Shift + Option + Command = Resize proportionally
Command + G = Group
Shift + Command + G = Ungroup
Command + F = Find/Change
Command + B = Text Frame Options

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sketch Presentations

Hello Everyone,

Today in class, we spent the class period answering questions about what needed to be cleared up about any of the Adobe programs that anyone needed to understand. After questions were done, we spent the rest of the class period showing our final Charrette sketches and detailing about what our Charrette will possibly look like.

I believe I was the first one to present, so I stood up in front of the classroom and presented my Charrette sketch to the class. I described what my concept and the symbols in my drawing and what they represent. I also had notes in various places beside my symbols in order to describe what they mean and how they were placed.

My composition consists of a sky perspective of a man asleep in his bed and his dream begins to come to life in his coverlet and his imaginary lover who is a succubus in disguise starts to reach out from his dreams and connects with his subconscious and meld with his mind. The male is sweating because the dream that he wants to succumb to is draining his energy. There are numbers hidden on the creases in his pillow symbolizing his time is counting down. The pillow itself is a symbol of his subconscious mind and its combining with his dream. My project will be called When You Are Asleep . . . because it is depicting what I think happens when a person is asleep and where the dream will project itself when that person dreams of it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Group Day!

Hello Everyone,

Today was a group day to brainstorm up ideas for our Charrette which was quickly approaching. So we had to get in groups of two and talk about our final ideas for our Charrette. My partner was Omari Wilson. He is one of the most talented studio artists in our class, so I know he is going to have some good ideas about his Charrette and maybe some tips for mine.

Since the theme of the Charrette this semester was Homage, I decided to do an Homage piece based on my favorite art Salvador Dali. Omari wasn't sure what artist he would do his project on yet. At first he wanted to do the homage on the artist who made the Campbell's soup design. What he was sure about was that he didn't want to do his project on paper, but on a different material.

My homage on Salvador Dali was a little bit complex. My concept was since most of his work was based on is dreams, I wanted to do my project on dreams. So at first it would depict a person sleeping their dreams coming out of their subconscious mind into reality. However, I wanted to simplify that concept.

Near the end of the class period, we all stood up one by one, introduced our partners and talk about their ideas for their project. So for homework, we had to do our final sketches of our Charrette projects.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Adobe Creative Suite - InDesign 1

Hello Everyone,

Today in class, we covered some of the basics that makes up Adobe InDesign. InDesign is a program specifically made for layouts. NO OTHER PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO MAKE LAYOUTS!!! Such layouts can be for magazines, booklets, brochures, menus, business cards, etc. When it comes to printing in Adobe programs, the required printing colors are CMYK and/or spot colors that are best for printing. RGB is associated with web images from the Internet.

Not only did we learned about the required settings, we learned about Master pages and what they are used for, spaces in letters, words, pages, and the definitions of a layout and how it is set up.

Some Definitions are:

  • A-Master - Template for all or specific pages in the layout.
  • Liguratures - Makes two letters into one object.
  • Soft Return - Shift + Enter
  • Hard Return - Enter
  • Rivers - Spaces that travel down the text.
  • Kerning - Spaces between words.
  • Leading - Spaces between letters.
  • Gutter - Space between pages.
  • Spread - Two pages side by side.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

On the Big Screen!

Hello Everyone,

Today, Mrs. Dersch put our lesson for the day on the big screen television in the classroom. Connecting her laptop to the television, she showed us one of her works in progress from her job and demonstrated on how to use live trace, the various pen tools, how to manipulate lines and points, alignments.

Live Trace - Changes the stroke of the image (it is best to have your image in black and white)

Subtract Pen - Deletes points to make an image more cleaner. (Pen tool with a subtract symbol at its side)

Anchor Point Pen - Fixes pen points and vectors that cuts off the image. (Pen tool with an arrow head by its side) *Command + Z = Return previous points*

In order to make a stroke a shape = Object tab > Path > Outline Stroke

  • Vectors and points will only show on an image if the image is livetraced!

Align Tab - Adjusts the alignment and spacing between selected objects.

Command + F = Paste in Front

Command + B = Paste in Back

Need to Knows:

A photoshop file that is placed in Illustrator is pixelated!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Raster VS. Vector

Hello Everyone,

Today in class we learned the difference between raster and vector.

RASTER                             VS                                VECTOR

Photoshop                                                                  Illustrator

Pixels                                                                         points and lines

                                                                                  type (not for large quantities of type)

We also discussed some basic icons in Illustrator. Most of the icons have arrows at the corner of their boxes; indicating that there are more icons relative to the visible one in the bar. For example:

  • The pen tool
    • Pen tool w/ + (adds points)
    • Pen tool w/ - (deletes points)
  • Square tool
    • Ellipse tool
    • Bevel square tool
    • Star tool
    • Hexagon tool
    • Glare tool

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scanner and Camera - Importing Images

Hello Everyone,

In class today, we talked about taking pictures with a digital cameras and how to measure the proportions of images on to regular paper and importing images from one location to the next.

When transferring an image in best quality possible, raise the resolution to at least 300 ppi.

Go to File to import images from your chosen source.

Go to Image Size in Photoshop to change resolution.

The larger the image, the higher the resolution.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Adobe Creative Suite - Photoshop 2

Hello Everyone,

After learning the basics about Adobe Photoshop, the class went to the Internet or through our personal pictures and chose an image of our choosing to edit in Photoshop. Once we uploaded our photos. She showed us how to use effects such as blur, sharpen, change the image size, masking, healing tools, and paths. We also learned some new shortcut keys like:

Command + D = Deselect

Command + N = New Document

and some new definitions and tips that we would be needing to know.

Tolerance- increases the rang of the magic want selection.
You can use Gaussian blur to cover up pixelated areas.
The Mask allows you to select greater detail.