Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Group Day!

Hello Everyone,

Today was a group day to brainstorm up ideas for our Charrette which was quickly approaching. So we had to get in groups of two and talk about our final ideas for our Charrette. My partner was Omari Wilson. He is one of the most talented studio artists in our class, so I know he is going to have some good ideas about his Charrette and maybe some tips for mine.

Since the theme of the Charrette this semester was Homage, I decided to do an Homage piece based on my favorite art Salvador Dali. Omari wasn't sure what artist he would do his project on yet. At first he wanted to do the homage on the artist who made the Campbell's soup design. What he was sure about was that he didn't want to do his project on paper, but on a different material.

My homage on Salvador Dali was a little bit complex. My concept was since most of his work was based on is dreams, I wanted to do my project on dreams. So at first it would depict a person sleeping their dreams coming out of their subconscious mind into reality. However, I wanted to simplify that concept.

Near the end of the class period, we all stood up one by one, introduced our partners and talk about their ideas for their project. So for homework, we had to do our final sketches of our Charrette projects.

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