Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adobe Creative Suites - InDesign 2

Hello Everyone,

Today, We freshened up on some old notes about file types and some new ones and talked about our final project that will be due a the end of the semester. We learned how to save an image file the different types of file to save an image in. At the end of the class period, we learned how to save important files that involve a client's design request.

Some Notes:

Importing from Documents:
.doc, .rtf, .txt

Place an Image File:
.eps, .tif, .jpeg (Lossy File), .png
(For .jpegs, save a COPY!)

File System:
client_lastname of designer_cmyk.indd


Screen Version                    Hard Version
written (typed) tutorial         written tutorial
photo examples                    photos (cmyk, lighter, etc.)
- take photos
- edit in photoshop
diagram (illustrator)             diagram (for communication)
video/sound clip                  InDesign Layout (PRINTED)

Some More shortcut keys:

Shift + Option + Command = Resize proportionally
Command + G = Group
Shift + Command + G = Ungroup
Command + F = Find/Change
Command + B = Text Frame Options

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