Sunday, March 17, 2013

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Hello Everyone,

I will be discussing the step by step process of the tutorial idea I have chosen from the last blog entry. I chose my first tutorial idea that consists of drawing a random object or figure with drawing pencils. That means that the final product will be a black and white drawing. Instead of having two seperate videos, the outline and the shading parts will be in one video. The object/figure will not a large or complicated and will most likely be a simple flower. Before I record my tuturial, I will already have my work area set up and my materials out and ready so I will not be fumbling to gather my things. This is the step by step of my tutorial:

Step 1:
Introduce myself. (0:05 mins.)

Step 2
State the topic of my tutorial. (0:05 mins.)

Step 3:
Make a few suggestions for a good work area. (0:10 mins.)

Step 4:
List the materials that will be needed for the drawing. (0:15 mins.)

Step 5:
Discuss the importance of a reference picture. (0:10 mins.)

Step 6
State the object that we will be drawing. (0:05 mins.)

Step 7:
Draw the outline. (3:30 mins.)

Step 8:
Shade the object in. (2:00 mins.)

Step 9:
Give tips on making your drawings better. (0:20 mins.)

Step 10:
End the tutorial. (0:05 mins.)

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