Monday, March 11, 2013

Prints and Binders

Hello Everyone,

Today in class, Mrs. Dersch brushed up on some important facts about printing projects created in the Adobe Creative Suites and identifying different kinds of binding for booklets, graphic books, etc.

Some Notes:

REMEMBER: Your print will always be darker than it looks on the screen so . . .

  • Adjust colors and photos accordingly.
  • Print proofs to review how your piece looks printed
  • Remember your color mode -> CMYK in Print; RGB in Web

Projects with bleeds (colors covering the whole entire page) should be printed on larger paper than the document on screen.

A Few Basic Bindings:

Saddle Stitch -> Staple book (book held together by staples going down the middle.)

Comb Bind -> A binding that has teeth that holds the pages together. (Pages can be rearranged, added, and taken out easily.)

Spiral Bind -> A book held together by metal wire in the shape of a spiral. (ex. a notebook)

*Buy a Bone Folder (burnisher)!

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